On Monday evening, July 5, 2010, the Lake Odessa Area Historical Society was pleased to be able to dedicate a new display at the museum. The display focuses on the German Prisoner of War Camp that was located in Lake Odessa in 1944 and 1945. This historically significant event is interpreted through photographs, artifacts and documents highlighting the camp. It was a distinct privilege to have the widow and family of Heinz Hanft, a former prisoner in the Lake Odessa Camp, present for the dedication of this display. Shown above is Edith Hanft viewing the display and a picture of the Hanft family present for the dedication. A large crowd filled the museum to hear accounts of the camp and its impact on the war. Thank you to the Hanft family and to all who contributed to make this display a reality. The display is a permanent feature of the Lake Odessa Museum and may be viewed during the last week-end of each month and during special events.