Friday, May 29, 2009


Wendell Bernard "Bud" Scheidt was nominated by his daughter, Wendy J. Barnum, for the Veterans Hall of Fame. He represents the World War II era. Wendy wrote that: "My father enlisted in the military on June 15, 1943, immediately following graduation from Lake Odessa High School. Originally trained as an air cadet at Case Western Reserve University, he was transferred to the infantry when the army's need for more infantrymen became increasingly evident.....My father's military career came to an end in Belgium, 1945, when the jeep he was driving hit a land mine. When he recovered consciousness, he was in a hospital in Paris. Later transferred to a hospital in England then Chicago, he finished his recuperation at Fort Custer, where after several months, he was released. He was awarded the Purple Heart, two Bronze Stars and the Good Conduct medal for his service."

Selected to represent the post World War II era for the Veterans Hall of Fame was Lyle Faulkner. His daughter, Terri Slade, wrote the letter of nomination. She stated that: "My dad was in high school at the time of World War II and his parents refused to give their permission for him to quit high school and join the military so when he turned 18 in August of 1945 he enlisted in the Navy. He was taken by bus to Detroit to leave for basic training from there the following day. When they got up in the morning and went outside preparing to leave there were all kinds of people in the streets cheering. He asked someone what was going on and they tol dhim that the Japanese had just surrendered. He always told us, as kids, that they heard he was coming so they surrendered!"


Tuesday, May 26, 2009
There was standing room only on Friday evening, May 22, as the Lake Odessa Community gathered to pay tribute to the five inductees into the Veterans Hall of Fame. Chosen for this year's honor were: Ralph C. Lambert, Wendell Bernard "Bud" Scheidt, Lyle Faulkner, Jimmie Lee Reese and Nyle Yates III. Each of these honorees were highlighted with a display and a verbal tribute. Family members represented each veteran and accepted a Certificate of Honor. This was a highlight for the week-end which included a display covering all local veterans and those currently serving in the military. Many additional items were donated to the museum which adds greatly to this growing collection. Continue to watch this blog as biographies of each of those from the Veterans Hall of Fame will be featured.
Friday, May 15, 2009

This photo, dated July 3, 1950, not only shows the patriotic celebration of that year but also the street scene on the east side of Fourth Ave. Shown at the far left is the old Kroger Store and then the five buildings which have since been torn down. Today this is the parking lot area next to Dr. Barnett's building. It is hard to imagine that five structures were nestled in that small area but here is the proof! Nelson's News Stand is the most prominent of these wooden buildings which were some of the oldest on Main St. This is a classic photo of Lake Odessa during the 1950's....including the cars!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

One of the current projects of the Lake Odessa Area Historical Society is the restoration of the Hosford House. The photo above recently resurfaced and it was a great surprise to see a distant view of this house in its original location on Third Avenue. The house, built by Samuel O. Hosford in 1887, is shown in the photo as the second house from the left in the foreground. The original is quite dark but it is wonderful to have this depiction of the house in about 1910. One of the most imporant things shown in this view is the front porch which will need to be replaced. This view helps us to know the design of that porch and how it looked originally. Since the house has been moved from its Third Avenue location the Society has been able to set it upon a new foundation, completely replace the roof and clean out some of the interior debris. Funds are being raised to place new exterior siding on the structure. The total cost for the siding will be approximately $18,000.00. Any donations toward this project would be greatly appreciated and will help to further this project along.

For more information please contact the Society through this blog or by email.
Friday, May 8, 2009

(Notice that this picture was taken on May 8......102 years ago today!)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009
LOHS 1959

It was great to have several of the "younger" generation share in the recent Mother-Daughter Tea. Planting strawberry plants was a treat and each one was able to take some home. One of the goals of the Lake Odessa Area Historical Society is to continue to encourage younger interest and this is just one more example of this. Look for more activities as we plant for the future!

The Lake Odessa Garden Club held its annual Perrenial Exchange this past Saturday at the Lake Odessa Museum Complex. It was a great time to trade plants, get garden tips and be motivated to go home and garden! The Lake Odessa Garden Club is part of the Lake Odessa Area Historical Society and maintains the flower gardens on the museum grounds. Their dedication and expertise make a beautiful setting for the historical buildings. The Garden Club meets the first Monday of each month at the Lake Odessa Museum and is open to anyone interested in gardening. For more information please contact the Society. Don't these ladies look like they are having fun???!!!!! Thanks Garden Club for a great job!!!!
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